X is a groundbreaking cross platform drama series that immerses the audience in a ten-minute block of time to solve the mystery of a missing girl.
Created by Husein Alicajic
In Development
There are two sides to every story - except this one.
From writer-director Husein Alicajic comes a new series about contemporary relationships that shows the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Winner for Best Direction in an Online Drama Series at the 2020 Australian Directors Guild Awards.
Watch episode 1 and follow the series at onesided.tv
An intimate look at failure in all it's messy glory to discover why we fail, why we fear it and if we're lucky what we can learn from it.
The city peers down upon itself with ten thousand electric eyes. Within this realm of light there exists a place that remains undetected. Only one. A small zone of darkness where street cameras never reach. They call it the blind spot.
Based on the short story by Jeff Noon
Written & Directed by Husein Alicajic
Coming Soon
Feature Film (In Development)
"You know sometimes you wake up, you can't remember where you are... even who you are? Finally you see something that reminds you... the pattern on the wallpaper, or you hear something. But before that, there's that moment when you're nobody. That's where you are right now."
Writer & Director: Husein Alicajic
Created for MND Australia and Directed by Husein Alicajic, ‘The Fading Symphony’ is a powerful and inspiring campaign to raise awareness of the debilitating symptoms of motor neurone disease (MND). Featuring Australian musician, actor and comedian Tim Minchin with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra this innovative re-recording and video of Neil Finn’s track ‘Don’t Dream It’s Over’, highlights the physical impacts of the disease metaphorically through the artists’ deteriorating performances. MND is a progressive terminal neurological disease with no known cure or effective treatment. Each day in Australia two people die from and another two diagnosed with MND, causing them to suffer progressive loss in use of their limbs, ability to speak, swallow and breathe while their mind and senses usually remain intact. As if affected by MND, Minchin and the orchestra fall abruptly silent. Viewers are asked to donate, then rewarded by the symphonies resurgence to complete the iconic song.
To watch the film and donate to MND Australia visit thefadingsymphony.com